AUTOPILOT: Autopilot functionality has been adjusted. The ON/OFF status of the radio is indicated in the scratchpad as "ON" for on and "OF" for off.***Ģ. This is done by using the ON/OFF button located at the bottom of the UFC, opposite of the AP button. ***With the new radios, please note that you will have to first turn on the NAV & ILS radios before you can set frequencies. ILS needles and CRS arrows have been fixed as well.

The new radios allow both VORTAC Freqs as well as TACAN channels to be entered and tuned. RADIOS: A lot of work has been done on revamping both the COM and NAV radios to have better functionality. New Electronic Warfare (EW) & RADAR Warning Receiver (RWR) Displaysġ. New RADAR & Forward Looking InfraRed (FLIR) Display But this version is definitely a push forward none-the-less. A LOT of coding rework was done on this version, so I have to warn you that there may be a few new bugs in this version compared to older ones. This update comes with a fair amount of fixes for noted problems as well as a few new features, in particular the TACPACKers. I know it's been a while and a little quiet, but I assure you steady progress has been made on the jet. Thanks again everyone for the support and understanding. Because of that, I'm going to re-title this 18.4 as a "Prototype" or "Test" version for those to check out and test and re-name the 18.3 as the latest stable release until I get the 18.4 smoothened out.

There are still many things to fix and tweak. It has become quickly apparent that although much has been added to the jet, it still isn't quite ready for prime time yet. First of all, thanks for all of the sound feedback on the latest release.